Just the girl obsessed with butterflies, sharing her life, mostly her art, which comsumes her life, with the world.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Moving, and the changes to come.
I want to welcome you to my own personal hell. I hate packing. I don't mind moving so much, its the packing. I hate cleaning in general, but my two least favorite are packing laundry.
I'm moving in 15 days, and very scared that I won't get everything done in time, and spend time with the people I want to. I'm doing this all by myself too. You'll all find out why later, but not now. I'm sorting through everything, and its hard to determine what I need to keep out until the last minute, and what to pack now, what goes to goodwill, what to keep. Most of my stuff will be either held at my mom's house until I can have it shipped, or in a storage locker. Hopefully going through the kitchen and the bedroom won't be as difficult.
So who's enjoying the summer yet? It actually hasn't been too horrid here. Very dry, which is highly unusual. Humidity is part of the reason I'd rather not live in Indiana. I keep hearing people talk about how dry it is, and the drought. There's quite a bit of fire danger, but they haven't started restricting when to water lawns yet, so I am not freaking out like some people. I hear people complain saying "I hope it rains. My grass is dying 'cause I don't feel like watering it."
As I type this, there's another wildfire in Nevada. This one, just south of Silver Springs, so its hitting more close to home each time. There's been at least three significant fires in the Reno area, two of which were during winter. The dry winter had really taken its toll this year.
The things I'm looking forward to? Spending the fourth of July with my adoptive little sister in Carson. I haven't been to the fireworks there since I was 12. I"m hoping my new boss will let me have it off.
Whats your least favorite chore, or favorite thing about summer? Is it hot and dry where you are too? Hopefully next time I'll have a little more interesting news, and less complaining on my part. I'm so ready to move.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Hi everyone. I’m very sorry for the absence. I’ve been
dealing with some personal issues. Graduation has finally passed, one week ago,
and I’m ready to reveal what has been happening.
Mark and I had
made plans to move in August of this year, to Reno, Nevada, and marry next
August in Indiana. We’ve been saving for both the move and a wedding for a while.
I’ve been accepted into the University of Nevada, Reno. Everything seems to be
going smoothly, until we’ve hit a few bumps, and plans are, not exactly changed,
but there will be detours.
There is one detour
that effects my life that I’d rather not discuss right now. It will be revealed
in time, but now is not that time. The detour I’m focused on right now is
school. I’ve graduated with an Associates of Fine Arts degree. I’ve been accepted
into University of Nevada, Reno. It’s a wonderful school, with a good fine arts
program. The school has actually been a big part of my life since before I even
knew what college was. I was born in Reno. My grandfather has been a wolf pack
fan ever since I can remember. To my knowledge, I have one cousin currently
attending there. I attempted to attend this school back in 2008, but things
didn’t go quite as planned. If you’ve been living under a rock for a while, that’s
when the economy turned to crap and Nevada has been the hardest hit state. It
was that, and a few other factors that led me to Ivy Tech, and now I’m ready to
start again.
Everything is in
place, except for one thing. The finances. The tuition is much more for me
being an out of state student. My financial aid and two loans won’t even cover
half. I had a few options. I could go into debt by still signing up for a full
schedual of classes. No idea exactly how I’d pay for everything before I was
dropped for non payment. I could go to school at either Western Nevada College,
or Truckee Meadows Community College, part time for a year, until I established
residency, or just work and live in the area for a year and try again. I’m choosing
option B. I’d rather be going to school part time, rather than not at all. Make no mistake, I am not giving up. I will not give up on this one dream. I truely feel this is where I need to be. Where I'm meant to be.
Other than that,
what projects is everyone working on? Aside from packing, I have a few. I finished
my dress for graduation. This project took some serious planning. I wanted a
vintage inspired dress that I could make, so that it would fit my size bipolar
body, and wanted it in spring colors. My mom helped me pick the fabric, a peach
skin material, with brightly colored butterflies. I chose the McCall’s pattern
because it came in different bra cup sizes. Sometimes I really hate being
busty. Clothes suck at fitting properly.
The pattern and fabric |
First fitting |
working |
So here it is, the
dress I’d been working on for about six weeks. I’m really proud of myself for
getting it done on time, and having it look exactly as I thought it would in my
I’m working on a few drawings, and finally getting around to
writing a story that’s been sitting in my head for almost a year now. I’ve been
trying new things with my hair, experimenting with vintage styles, and things
like that. Sometimes it works, but sometimes…actually many times, it flops.
Mainly ‘cause I get impatient, or I’m short on time. Hopefully I’ll perfect
getting vintage waves, and have a tutorial soon. I’ve also been doing some
A semi successful attempt at sauz bangs |
The process that turned into a flop |
If you didn’t know, I’ve been modeling at Ivy Tech for
almost two years now for drawing, painting and photography classes. As long as
I’m comfortable, I can do the drawing and painting class modeling for a good
period of time. I enjoy the freedom to move for photography better though, and
just enjoyed it. I take direction well, and had fun, so I’m pursuing it more by
opening a model mayhem account. So far I’ve had a few offers. I’m hesitant at
first and make sure the offer is legit, and look over the photographers work
closely before deciding to do the shoot. I’ve yet to be disappointed.
So because of
issues and moving, I’m not sure when I’ll be able to write again, but I’ll do
my best to come up with some tutorials
and post them.
Love Music and Feathers people!
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Shrinky cell phone charm tutorial.
Greetings! I’m back, with a tutorial this time. For this particular blog, I think this is a first, since the mix up with my first blog.
I love to express myself, and for people to see what I like and what I’m passionate about, without me having to say anything. One of the many ways I can do this is through my clothes, and accessories. A bit trivial, but I still like to do it.
Cell phone charms are really cute. I’ve bought three, but none of them have lasted for more than a month. Either the actual charm broke, or the chord broke. Either I’m waaaaayyyy too harsh on my phone (which could be the case) or the materials suck. So I’ve acquired the materials to make my own.
You’ll need :
1. Shrink plastic (brand name shrink dinks)
2. Drawing materials, pencils, pens, markers, whatever you want to draw with
3. Scissors or exacto knife.
4. Method for attaching, a chain, or strong chord.
I chose a design of one of my current obsessions. I’m obsessed with University of Nevada, Reno right now. I’ve been accepted as a transfer student and start in the fall. So I copied one of the logos on to a piece of paper. Choose any design you like.
Shrink plastic can be found in almost any craft store, and sometimes Wal-Mart. It’s often known by the brand name Shrinky Dinks. I’ve heard it called Shrinkles, and shrink plastic too. I spent $5.99 for six sheets. Make sure to read the directions on the back, not all of these cook at the same temperature. Trace your design onto the shrink plastic. The instructions for mine state that if I’m using colored pencils to sand one side.
I trace the design lightly on top of the plastic using a sharpie, then go over the lines again a little firmer, and color in the wolf. There’s really no limit with color, you can be as creative as you like. I colored in the blue twice to make sure I got everywhere and the color was even.
Cut you’re design out. If you’re using scissors, please be aware of your plastic. This is the type of plastic that if bent will turn white, or completely break. Cut the design out as you see fit, and be sure to punch a hole in the place you later intend to thread the chord. I used a hole punch.
Now preheat your oven according to your instructions. I preheated mine to 325. You can place your plastic on tin foil or cardboard, I don’t recommend anything metal, or anything you intend to cook on again. I try to have cardboard on hand for such occasions.
You’re plastic will curl while shrinking, so to prevent it from sticking to itself and remain flat, I put a piece of tin foil over it and tucked the edges under the cardboard to stay in place. Place in the oven for the time instructed. Remove from oven and let cool.
The method of attachment is up to you. At first I used a strong chord found in my mom’s craft box. It could be a thin twine. But I wasn’t happy with the result.
After some thought, I decided to go with a different attachment. I attached an overly large jump ring to my phone. I attached a smaller jump ring to each end of a scrap piece of chain. I attached one end to the shrink, and the other to a lobster claw closure, then the lobster claw to the oversized jump ring on the phone.
So, have you tried this? Even done a project with shrink plastic before?
I’ve been joining link parties, slowly but surely, after watching them for ages on the blogs I follow. Today I’m linking up with Night Owl Crafting in the most recent Hoos Got Talent post. To find out more, or find more cool tutorials, go here
If you haven’t yet, check out my etsy shop. www.etsy.com/shop/ButterflyDark.
I’m hoping to have more jewelry up. I’m venturing into shrink jewelry, among other things.
If time finds favor with me I’ll be posting again before Valentine’s Day, so until we meet again, Love Music and Feathers People!!!!!!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
My first link Party, and some awesome news.
So I'm joining a link Party, for the first time. I love browsing link parties to find new ideas for crafts. Today I'm joining Night Owl Crafting's Hoo Are You. Each week questions are posted, I answer them, and link the post to her page. Networking at its finest. So before I answer the questions, go ahead and check out Night Owl Crafting, and have some fun. www.nightowlcrafting.blogspot.com
1. Are you married/in a relationship/single? For how long?
I'm in a relationship, with a wonderful guy, Mark Dimpfl. We've been together for over three years, and been engaged for two. We're saving to get married next year.
2. What are your plans for Valentine's Day?
Probably working. I'm a cashier for CVS/Pharmacy, and all the guys will be buying last minutes 'cause that's normally how guys are. Plus its truck day.
3. Do you have any Valentine's traditions?
Not really. I spent almost every Valentines Day trying to pretend it didn't exist until I was 17.
4. What is your favorite Valentine's candy?
I'm just gonna say it. Candy is candy, and I like 95% of it. Being a semi-normal woman, Chocolate is amazing. Add caramel and I'm happier than a bird with a french fry.
1. Are you married/in a relationship/single? For how long?
I'm in a relationship, with a wonderful guy, Mark Dimpfl. We've been together for over three years, and been engaged for two. We're saving to get married next year.
2. What are your plans for Valentine's Day?
Probably working. I'm a cashier for CVS/Pharmacy, and all the guys will be buying last minutes 'cause that's normally how guys are. Plus its truck day.
3. Do you have any Valentine's traditions?
Not really. I spent almost every Valentines Day trying to pretend it didn't exist until I was 17.
4. What is your favorite Valentine's candy?
I'm just gonna say it. Candy is candy, and I like 95% of it. Being a semi-normal woman, Chocolate is amazing. Add caramel and I'm happier than a bird with a french fry.
5. Name 3 things that you LOVE!
Oh this is hard. Obviously Mark. My friends, who are stuck with me til either I die or they die, whichever comes first, and my huge family, who couldn't get rid of me no matter how hard they tried.
So now the big news. Butterfly Dark is now open on etsy.com. I've only got a few things listed, since work has been really insane this past month. Today will be my sixth day in a row. I'm not complaining by any means, I like my job. I'm just a little tired and miss my studio time. But for now, you can check out the etsy shop. http://www.etsy.com/shop/ButterflyDark, and the facebook page.
Here's a sneak peek into my next project.
Love, Music, and Feathers people!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Happy New Year!
So, its the new year! Thank Cheese, 'cause for me 2011 seemed to drag, especially when I found out that I couldn't walk last May, and that I had been waiting since February to take my vacation in July, back to Nevada, which I had been putting off for three years.
Anywhoble, what has everyone been doing? I've just finished the courses for my Associates Degree at Ivy Tech, something I'm very excited about. Its taken three years, and the failing of only two courses. Since i can't walk until this comming May, I'm taking this semester to relax, work full time (if my boss can give the hours) start an etsy shop, get things in order for our move to Reno, and work on shedding the college weight I've gained. Which brings me to my resolutions.
We all have a resolution. Well most of us anyway. I have several. First being time management. I want to better manage my time, now that I actually have time to manage. I want to get up earlier and be more productive. Which brings me to what I want to do with that time. I want to open an esty shop and sell some of the stuff I make on line. I need to produce some sort of inventory in order to do that.
I want to do something about my weight. For Christmas, a friend gave me an exercise hoop by a company called Hoopnautica, with a dvd. The hoop is weighted, and comes apart in segments and a velcro strap so that its portable. I discovered hooping as en exercise when I first moved to Indianapolis. There was a young lady in my class who was a part of a proformance group of hula hoopers, I noticed that she was in shape. I did the research and hooping is a good low impact exercise. I'm excited to to hoop three and four nights a week. Another thing I've started is to eat better, now that I have time to cook something. I've also cut down on pepsi, my biggest vice. These are all things I want to do, with more time.
So what are your resolutions? Have you already fallen off the wagon? Its ok. Each day is a new day, one day at a time.
Holidays are the time to spend with family. I am very thankful that my younger brother, Jeremy, was able to come home for the holidays. He graduated from Basic and Infantry training on December 9th, and left for airborn training yesterday. We're very proud of him.
Jeremy has been dating Jessie for about nine months now. We've known Jessie and her family for about 13 years now. Her grandmother, Mary Simon and her mom, Peggy are two of the women I look up to most. They're strong, spiritual, beautiful women. Jessie's brother, Cheyenne, was my best friend. I was grateful and overjoyed that she could spend some time with us.
So do you spend time with families? Do you have to split time between families during the holidays? Do you even celebrate holidays? My younger siblings in Hawaii don't celebrate holidays due to thier faith. Not that there is anything wrong with that. The world is full of different religions, some do and don't celebrate certain holidays. If you don't celebrate Christmas, what do you celebrate, if at all? To me family is very important, and I was blessed to have a new family member this Christmas. My younger sister, Clarissa, got married, and I'm very excited for her.
On the craft front, who made things for people as presents? I honestly wasn't able to do too much this year. I made ornaments for co workers, and a custom laptop case for a friend. That was about it. However after the holiday, I learned how to make a particular scarf. Its super easy, and hopefully later, I can make a tutorial.
Do you wear scarves? As a fashion accessory, or to keep warm? This one can function as both.
Another resolution is, I want to write in this blog more. I want to post more tutorials, and other things. I want to hear about other people's lives too.
So until later, good luck with your resolutions, if you have any, and I hope the new years finds you well.
Love, Music, and Feathers people!
Anywhoble, what has everyone been doing? I've just finished the courses for my Associates Degree at Ivy Tech, something I'm very excited about. Its taken three years, and the failing of only two courses. Since i can't walk until this comming May, I'm taking this semester to relax, work full time (if my boss can give the hours) start an etsy shop, get things in order for our move to Reno, and work on shedding the college weight I've gained. Which brings me to my resolutions.
We all have a resolution. Well most of us anyway. I have several. First being time management. I want to better manage my time, now that I actually have time to manage. I want to get up earlier and be more productive. Which brings me to what I want to do with that time. I want to open an esty shop and sell some of the stuff I make on line. I need to produce some sort of inventory in order to do that.
I want to do something about my weight. For Christmas, a friend gave me an exercise hoop by a company called Hoopnautica, with a dvd. The hoop is weighted, and comes apart in segments and a velcro strap so that its portable. I discovered hooping as en exercise when I first moved to Indianapolis. There was a young lady in my class who was a part of a proformance group of hula hoopers, I noticed that she was in shape. I did the research and hooping is a good low impact exercise. I'm excited to to hoop three and four nights a week. Another thing I've started is to eat better, now that I have time to cook something. I've also cut down on pepsi, my biggest vice. These are all things I want to do, with more time.
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From the hoopnautica website, thier portable exercise hoop. |
So what are your resolutions? Have you already fallen off the wagon? Its ok. Each day is a new day, one day at a time.
Holidays are the time to spend with family. I am very thankful that my younger brother, Jeremy, was able to come home for the holidays. He graduated from Basic and Infantry training on December 9th, and left for airborn training yesterday. We're very proud of him.
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Graduation Day |
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Trying not to cry the day he leaves |
Jeremy has been dating Jessie for about nine months now. We've known Jessie and her family for about 13 years now. Her grandmother, Mary Simon and her mom, Peggy are two of the women I look up to most. They're strong, spiritual, beautiful women. Jessie's brother, Cheyenne, was my best friend. I was grateful and overjoyed that she could spend some time with us.
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Jeremy and Jessie |
So do you spend time with families? Do you have to split time between families during the holidays? Do you even celebrate holidays? My younger siblings in Hawaii don't celebrate holidays due to thier faith. Not that there is anything wrong with that. The world is full of different religions, some do and don't celebrate certain holidays. If you don't celebrate Christmas, what do you celebrate, if at all? To me family is very important, and I was blessed to have a new family member this Christmas. My younger sister, Clarissa, got married, and I'm very excited for her.
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My exceptionally pretty sister, and her husband. |
On the craft front, who made things for people as presents? I honestly wasn't able to do too much this year. I made ornaments for co workers, and a custom laptop case for a friend. That was about it. However after the holiday, I learned how to make a particular scarf. Its super easy, and hopefully later, I can make a tutorial.
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Custom laptop sleeve |
Do you wear scarves? As a fashion accessory, or to keep warm? This one can function as both.
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Its actually made of t shirts |
Another resolution is, I want to write in this blog more. I want to post more tutorials, and other things. I want to hear about other people's lives too.
So until later, good luck with your resolutions, if you have any, and I hope the new years finds you well.
Love, Music, and Feathers people!
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