Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My first link Party, and some awesome news.

So I'm joining a link Party, for the first time. I love browsing link parties to find new ideas for crafts. Today I'm joining Night Owl Crafting's Hoo Are You. Each week questions are posted, I answer them, and link the post to her page. Networking at its finest. So before I answer the questions, go ahead and check out Night Owl Crafting, and have some fun. www.nightowlcrafting.blogspot.com

1. Are you married/in a relationship/single? For how long?
I'm in a relationship, with a wonderful guy, Mark Dimpfl. We've been together for over three years, and been engaged for two. We're saving to get married next year.

2. What are your plans for Valentine's Day?
Probably working. I'm a cashier for CVS/Pharmacy, and all the guys will be buying last minutes 'cause that's normally how guys are. Plus its truck day.

3. Do you have any Valentine's traditions?
Not really. I spent almost every Valentines Day trying to pretend it didn't exist until I was 17.

4. What is your favorite Valentine's candy?
I'm just gonna say it. Candy is candy, and I like 95% of it. Being a semi-normal woman, Chocolate is amazing. Add caramel and I'm happier than a bird with a french fry.

5. Name 3 things that you LOVE!
Oh this is hard. Obviously Mark. My friends, who are stuck with me til either I die or they die, whichever comes first, and my huge family, who couldn't get rid of me no matter how hard they tried.
So now the big news. Butterfly Dark is now open on etsy.com. I've only got a few things listed, since work has been really insane this past month. Today will be my sixth day in a row. I'm not complaining by any means, I like my job. I'm just a little tired and miss my studio time. But for now, you can check out the etsy shop. http://www.etsy.com/shop/ButterflyDark, and the facebook page.
Here's a sneak peek into my next project.
Love, Music, and Feathers people!

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