Friday, June 15, 2012

Moving, and the changes to come.

  I want to welcome you to my own personal hell. I hate packing. I don't mind moving so much, its the packing. I hate cleaning in general, but my two least favorite are packing laundry.

   I'm moving in 15 days, and very scared that I won't get everything done in time, and spend time with the people I want to. I'm doing this all by myself too. You'll all find out why later, but not now. I'm sorting through everything, and its hard to determine what I need to keep out until the last minute, and what to pack now, what goes to goodwill, what to keep. Most of my stuff will be either held at my mom's house until I can have it shipped, or in a storage locker. Hopefully going through the kitchen and the bedroom won't be as difficult.

  So who's enjoying the summer yet? It actually hasn't been too horrid here. Very dry, which is highly unusual. Humidity is part of the reason I'd rather not live in Indiana. I keep hearing people talk about how dry it is, and the drought. There's quite a bit of fire danger, but they haven't started restricting when to water lawns yet, so I am not freaking out like some people. I hear people complain saying "I hope it rains. My grass is dying 'cause I don't feel like watering it."

 As I type this, there's another wildfire in Nevada. This one, just south of Silver Springs, so its hitting more close to home each time. There's been at least three significant fires in the Reno area, two of which were during winter. The dry winter had really taken its toll this year.

  The things I'm looking forward to? Spending the fourth of July with my adoptive little sister in Carson. I haven't been to the fireworks there since I was 12. I"m hoping my new boss will let me have it off.

   Whats your least favorite chore, or favorite thing about summer? Is it hot and dry where you are too? Hopefully next time I'll have a little more interesting news, and less complaining on my part. I'm so ready to move.

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