Monday, May 14, 2012

Hi everyone. I’m very sorry for the absence. I’ve been dealing with some personal issues. Graduation has finally passed, one week ago, and I’m ready to reveal what has been happening.

    Mark and I had made plans to move in August of this year, to Reno, Nevada, and marry next August in Indiana. We’ve been saving for both the move and a wedding for a while. I’ve been accepted into the University of Nevada, Reno. Everything seems to be going smoothly, until we’ve hit a few bumps, and plans are, not exactly changed, but there will be detours.

   There is one detour that effects my life that I’d rather not discuss right now. It will be revealed in time, but now is not that time. The detour I’m focused on right now is school. I’ve graduated with an Associates of Fine Arts degree. I’ve been accepted into University of Nevada, Reno. It’s a wonderful school, with a good fine arts program. The school has actually been a big part of my life since before I even knew what college was. I was born in Reno. My grandfather has been a wolf pack fan ever since I can remember. To my knowledge, I have one cousin currently attending there. I attempted to attend this school back in 2008, but things didn’t go quite as planned. If you’ve been living under a rock for a while, that’s when the economy turned to crap and Nevada has been the hardest hit state. It was that, and a few other factors that led me to Ivy Tech, and now I’m ready to start again.

   Everything is in place, except for one thing. The finances. The tuition is much more for me being an out of state student. My financial aid and two loans won’t even cover half. I had a few options. I could go into debt by still signing up for a full schedual of classes. No idea exactly how I’d pay for everything before I was dropped for non payment. I could go to school at either Western Nevada College, or Truckee Meadows Community College, part time for a year, until I established residency, or just work and live in the area for a year and try again. I’m choosing option B. I’d rather be going to school part time, rather than not at all. Make no mistake, I am not giving up. I will not give up on this one dream. I truely feel this is where I need to be. Where I'm meant to be.

    Other than that, what projects is everyone working on? Aside from packing, I have a few. I finished my dress for graduation. This project took some serious planning. I wanted a vintage inspired dress that I could make, so that it would fit my size bipolar body, and wanted it in spring colors. My mom helped me pick the fabric, a peach skin material, with brightly colored butterflies. I chose the McCall’s pattern because it came in different bra cup sizes. Sometimes I really hate being busty. Clothes suck at fitting properly.
The pattern and fabric

First fitting


   So here it is, the dress I’d been working on for about six weeks. I’m really proud of myself for getting it done on time, and having it look exactly as I thought it would in my head.

I’m working on a few drawings, and finally getting around to writing a story that’s been sitting in my head for almost a year now. I’ve been trying new things with my hair, experimenting with vintage styles, and things like that. Sometimes it works, but sometimes…actually many times, it flops. Mainly ‘cause I get impatient, or I’m short on time. Hopefully I’ll perfect getting vintage waves, and have a tutorial soon. I’ve also been doing some modeling.

A semi successful attempt at sauz bangs

The process that turned into a flop

If you didn’t know, I’ve been modeling at Ivy Tech for almost two years now for drawing, painting and photography classes. As long as I’m comfortable, I can do the drawing and painting class modeling for a good period of time. I enjoy the freedom to move for photography better though, and just enjoyed it. I take direction well, and had fun, so I’m pursuing it more by opening a model mayhem account. So far I’ve had a few offers. I’m hesitant at first and make sure the offer is legit, and look over the photographers work closely before deciding to do the shoot. I’ve yet to be disappointed.

    So because of issues and moving, I’m not sure when I’ll be able to write again, but I’ll do my best to come up with  some tutorials and post them.

Me and my mom. Isn't she awesome?

Love Music and Feathers people!