Hi everyone.
For the last two months I've been just writing posts about random topics. I'd like to add a little more structure to my writing. I'd like to stick to some themes.
The first week will be called Frugal Firsts, and based on anything we do to save money, stretch our dollar, and conserve resources.
The second week I'll call Silent Seconds. I won't write anything, I'll just post pictures and let them speak for themselves. These pictures will probably be of clients who I've been working with for professional photos, or of my nature walks with my daughter or our adventures around the city,
The third week will be Tutorial Thirds. I'll post a tutorial of something I've made, either a craft, piece of fine art, or cooking. If there is a source I'll be happy to share it.
The last week will be Found Fourths. Something I have "found" new, as I'm always trying to learn new things. I might have found it on pinterest, or in a book or some found object art.
If there happens to be a fifth Sunday in a month, I'll publish it as Freaky Free For All Fifth. I"ll find something that to normal people might be freakish, or in my case just right up my alley.
So this is my new structure, I hope you all enjoy it like this, and I'm hoping it will help me improve my writing. On to our first Frugal First!
A lot of people already know the joys of thrift shopping. When it comes to clothes there is very little I will buy new, and with a small child who grows like a weed, thrift stores are one of my best friends, along with knowing how to sew.
There are two Goodwill stores and a Goodwill outlet within five miles of my house. These stores have been good to us. In December we were able to purchase a sectional couch and coffee table in order to accommodate with houseguests we would be hosting later that month. Both is very good condition. I was able to get a glider for my daughters room too. Every night she happily sits on it while I read her a story, if she gets to the glider before me, she climbs in it and proclaims "MAMA ROCK!"
Of course clothes are bought here. There are two things I will absolutely not buy in a thrift store unless they are still in a sealed package, and even then I might have doubts. These things are undergarments and socks. When I'm looking for clothes, I look first for quality. Does the fabric hold up well? Is it stretched out? Are there holes, frays. weak spots, or stains? If so, can any of it be repaired easily. Second, where am I going to wear it? Where will my child wear it and how often? And lastly and this is probably the MOST important for people who are curvy like me. Try it on! There is nothing like the disappointment of finding an awesome article of clothing, purchasing it, and getting it home, only to find out it doesn't fit. Or worse it doesn't look good on you. I'm still trying to figure out what looks good on my shape. But try it on.
I found a fabulous red dress last summer. It was kinda vintage looking, which is my style. So I tried it on. It hit a great length, hugged my curves without emphasizing my problem areas, but I couldn't get it zipped up past my shoulders. I was just too chesty.
I just couldn't get it zipped up. |
Ended up buying this instead. |
Today I went looking for something different. Last summer I resolved to make my steampunk cosplay out of as many repurposed materials as I could find. I found some beautiful red metallic curtains with lining that became the bottom part of my corset and bustle skirt. I bought some black lace and lace trim from the fabric store, and that was all I needed. I'm making steampunk apparel and accessories for my shop and I want to repurpose materials this same way.
The bustle skirt |
Making a corset |
I went to two stores. I found nine different fabrics. Mostly these are old curtains or bed skirts. I found one dress and one shirt that will make decent waist cinchers. These are all sturdy, thick and some brocade like. All seem in new or almost new condition. I'm really excited to start making these.
The light is off, but from left to right, purple, pink, green and silver. |
Thanks for reading.